In this case some users had three different licenses assigned to them Note the last five characters of any and all license keys that display in the output: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus Type the following command to display the license status.If you installed the 32-bit version of Office 2016, move to the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16.If you installed the 64-bit version of Office 2016, move to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16.Open a Command Prompt window, and then take one of the following actions Finally, I have found steps that will accomplish this without having to repair/reinstall office.
#How to remove office 2016 license from pc cscript how to
The trouble was I could not figure out how to remove the existing software license to the user and have the Outlook client only recognize the new license. We also used the Support and Recover Assistant but that also did not resolve the issue. We tried to fully uninstall the Office client and reinstall but that did not resolve the issue. We tried to sign in with the new account, but we would still run into the same issue. We started to notice that when we removed the license for the Office 365 Pro Plus and assigned the newly adopted Office Business Premium License that the Outlook clients would get the below error message. I was working on a project that previously was using Office 365 with the Office Pro Plus subscription feature. We know a lot of issues like this do occur, and we think this blog will help you all big time. The steps below helped in resolving all licensing issues for the client. This was an interesting issue that came in and one scenario that our tech team was working on where they did not notice many resolutions for this issue.